To check how many windows are open in the current set we create a set and check its size ``` Set w ... Read More
To take screenshot with selenium we can do so using below two lines of code ``` File scrFile = ... Read More
We make a new project in Eclipse and then go properties ->Java Build path Add external jars and add ... Read More
In order to handle exceptions using firefox driver we create a new profile ``` ProfilesIni allpr ... Read More
Certificate errors are error thrown on certain Websites.These errors tell us to accept new certifica ... Read More
For dragging and dropping objects we make use of Actions class We make use of a function called dra ... Read More
We can make an object of ChromeOptions class ``` ChromeOptions ops = new ChromeOptions(); ``` ... Read More
To validate whether the xpath we created is valid or not we can go to chrome developer tools and go ... Read More
Webdriver is an interface-All classes that implement webdriver Interface can use its functions on an ... Read More
To read from a properties file we use the below commands ``` Properties prop = new Properties(); ... Read More