

Qa automation engineer


Selenium Webdriver 2.0,3.0,4
Seleenium DSL
Cucmber BDD
Selenium Grid 2.0,3.0,4.0
Gitlab Piplelines
Rest Assured
Jmeter 5.0
Software Test life cycle
Requirement Gathering
Test palnning,test execution
Bug tracking using jira,gitlab issues
Operating Systems :- Windows,Ubuntu 18.04

Work experience

Qa automation engineer
Mate1 Inc
March 2020-

Project:This Project includes re-designing and rebranding of both the Laptop and mobile versions of dating application named Mate1 which was rebranded to eDate. The PC based version was entirely rebuilt using Angular and mobile version also had many major changes as new and enhanced user oriented features were added.


  • Was the only qa automation engineer in the team and was responsible for automating most of the regression qa tasks that involved all the major features of the app like registration, messaging ,photo uploading ,billing to name a few.
  • Worked on Scalatest based framework integrated with Selenium DSL to automate the testing tasks and was solely responsible to bring the defunk framework back into working state.
  • Automated features for both PC and mobile versions of the app.
  • Was responsible for adding/executing qa automation tests for both production and qa environments.
  • Was heavily involved in integrating automation tests to run on Gitlab pipeline on a daily basis and checking pipeline results daily to look into any failing tests.
  • Analysing qa automation test reports
  • Manual testing on Liquid Planner tickets to help the manual testing team in every Agile sprint.
  • Was involved in discussions with the development team and business analysts to resolve issues and suggest improvements to various features of the app as and when needed.
  • Cross browser, cross platform testing, performance testing and post release testing of various features of the application.
  • Api testing using Postman.
  • Creating Jira tickets for unresolved bugs so that they can be fixed later.
  • Sprint Planning, retrospective meetings and Daily standup meetings on zoom, google meet and slack.
Environment:Selenium Web Driver 3.53,Scala sbt , Intellij , Agile-Scrum Methodology, Ubuntu 18.04,Jira,Gitlab,Gitlab pipelines.
Qa automation analyst
Laurentian Bank(Contract)
Feb 2018- Feb 2020

Project:: This Project includes re-designing and upgrading the online banking application. Manage My Alerts module enables users to choose and customize the alerts so that they can be informed about what’s going on with their credit card or bank accounts. Alerts from LBC are messages sent via text message, email or push notifications on user’s mobile device that inform them about their banking, credit card, budgeting activity and reminders.


  • Participated in all the phases of this Agile-Scrum Model including Sprint Planning, User Stories estimates, Daily Stand up meetings, Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective Meetings.
  • Performed Regression testing and Functional testing for each sprint using Selenium WebDrive and TestNG.
  • Helped in creating and maintaining a Data Driven Framwork for the project based on Maven which used Grid for testing on multiple platforms.
  • Ensured issues and defects are logged quickly and accurately, while fixed defects are promptly verified and closed in JIRA.
  • Developed Regression Test Suites as well as TestSuites for cross browser testing using Selenium Webdriver and TestNg.
  • Generated Extent reports and/or Maven Surefire reports for all the test cases designed and shared them on github repository.
  • Used Jenkins for continuous integration of code ,which was shared online on github repository several times a day.
  • Developed various test scripts in Performance testing tool JMeter to check the performance of web applications under various multi-user testing scenarios.
  • Worked on various assertions(duration, size, xml, xpath) to check the reliability of web applications under performance testing.
  • Communicated effectively about the daily progress status in the daily stand up meeting.
Environment:Selenium Web Driver 3.8.0, Java 1.8, TestNG 6.11, Eclipse, Agile-Scrum Methodology, Maven 3.6.0, Grid 3.0, Jmeter 5.0 ,Jira 6.6.1 ,Git Bash ,GitHub , Jenkins.
Qa automation analyst
National Bank(Contract)
April 2016- Jan 2018

Project:Sales and Service Portal project involves credit card application like online customization, secured card and balance transfer. Using these concepts all the user activities would be captured in the Enterprise Data Warehouse and reports would be generated for marketing and business decision making.


  • Worked on the Project in Agile scrum environment attending daily stand-up, sprint planning and sprint retrospective meetings.
  • Executed Manual test cases and logged unexpected results in Jira and assigned them to respective developers and kept a track of them till they were resolved.
  • Developed Automation test scripts using Selenium webdriver making extensive use of various web locaters like id , name ,xpath etc.
  • Used TestNg to arrange , prioritize , parameterize ,skip and execute various test scripts and made extensive use of hard and soft assertions at various check points.
  • Used Maven for building the WebDriver project. Integrated with Continuous Integration tools Jenkins for running test on nightly basis automatically.
  • Git hub was used for remote code management.
Environment:Selenium Web Driver 2.53, Java 1.8, TestNG 6.11, Eclipse, Agile-Scrum Methodology, Maven 3.3.7,Ant 1.9.7, Jira 6.6.1 , Grid 2.0 , Jmeter ,Jenkins ,Git Bash ,GitHub
Qa automation analyst
Nov 2013- Dec 2015

Project:This application was enhanced to provide life insurance for children of new and existing customers. The major enhancements include the ability to save the application in the middle and get back to the saved application using the reference number provided, end users could attach their supporting documents. User will provide data such as children life insurance plan, premium payment term and age of the child.


  • Involved in discussions with developers to understand the functionality and specification of modules involved.
  • Created test cases based on ECP and Boundary Value Analysis and executed them as well.
  • Mapped test cases to requirements in Quality Center using Requirement Coverage Functionality.
  • Performed Backend Testing by extensively using SQL Queries.
  • Identified defects and reported to the developers with steps to reproduce, priority, severity and screen shots.
  • Performed retesting on the defects fixed by the development team.
  • Was involved in regression testing on similar modules once the defect was fixed.
  • Performed cross browser testing of the application when needed.
  • Maintained Traceability Matrix to track the requirements to the test cases to ensure complete test coverage in the Quality Center.
  • Participated in documentation review and weekly status meeting to demonstrate current progress and future testing efforts.
Environment: HP QC ,SQL.


Concordia Univiersity

Masters degree in Electical and Computer Engineer

Punjab Technical Univiersity

Bachelors Degree in Electonics and Communcation

Montreal College of Information Technology

Diploma in web development

Download a copy of my resume here