Webdriver,Webelement,Action interfaces/classes

Webdriver is an interface-All classes that implement webdriver Interface can use its functions on any webpage. Another imp interface is WebElement interface which represents a generic HTML element. An important class is Action which is used to move the mouse over a particular element Important methods in webdriver,weblement and action interfaces/classes are

  1. get()
  2. getCurrentUrl()
  3. findElement(By, by) and click()
  4. isEnabled()
  5. findElement(By, by) with sendKeys()
  6. findElement(By, by) with getText()
  7. submit()
  8. findElements(By, by)
  9. findElements(By, by) with size()
  10. pageLoadTimeout(time,unit)
  11. implicitlyWait()
  12. getTitle()
  13. navigate()
  14. close() and quit()
  15. moveToElement()
  16. dragAndDrop()
  17. switchTo() and accept(), dismiss() and sendKeys()
  18. getWindowHandle() and getWindowHandles()