So an example is as below
sourceFolder = "FileTree\Dir2\Dir3\File1.txt";
sourceRoot = "FileTree\Dir2";
targetRoot = "FileTree\Dir4\DirCopy;
relativizedPath = sourceRoot.relativize(sourcePath); which will be "Dir3\File1.txt"
relativizedPathForCopy = targetRoot.resolve(relativizedPath); which will be "FileTree\Dir4\Dir\DirCopy\Dir3\File1.txt
Complete code for a class implementing SimpleFileVisitor class is below. We will use this class to copy complete of a directory from one place to another
public class CopyFiles extends SimpleFileVisitor<Path> {
private Path sourceRoot;
private Path targetRoot;
public CopyFiles(Path sourceRoot, Path targetRoot) {
this.sourceRoot = sourceRoot;
this.targetRoot = targetRoot;
public FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(Path file, IOException exc) throws IOException {
System.out.println("Error access file :"+file.toAbsolutePath()+ " "+exc.getMessage());
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
//To construct the path we use Path.relativize method .This method constructs a relative path which resolves to a given path
//For example if path to relativize against is C:\path1 and given path is C:\path1\path2\path3
// then the relativised path is \path2\path3 which is given path relative to C:\path1
//Now once we got the relative path we then need to resolve it against copied directories locations by calling
//by calling path.resolve method and that will turn the relative path we go from relativised method into the full path for the copied file.
//So over here we are getting relativized path for source directory and target directory
Path relativizedPath = sourceRoot.relativize(dir);
System.out.println("RelativisedPath = "+relativizedPath);
Path copyDir = targetRoot.resolve(relativizedPath);
System.out.println("RelativisedPath = "+copyDir);
//We are then copying the files
catch(Exception e ){
//If an exception occurs we will skip the subtree by using the below line of code i.e we will stop processing files for that subtree
return FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE;
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
//Here we override visitFile method
//In this method just as in directory method we use relativised method to find paths for copied files and then we can use copy method to copy those
public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
//So over here we are getting relativized path to find paths for copied files.
Path relativizedPath = sourceRoot.relativize(file);
System.out.println("RelativisedPath = "+relativizedPath);
Path copyDir = targetRoot.resolve(relativizedPath);
System.out.println("RelativisedPath = "+copyDir);
//We are then copying the files
catch(Exception e ){
return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
We can then simply copy the complete contents of a directory in main method of a class using the code below
Path copyPath = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("FileTree1"+File.separator+"Dir4"+File.separator+"Dir2Copy");
//so path will be like FileTree1\\Dir4\\Dir2Copy
Files.walkFileTree(dir2Path,new CopyFiles(dir2Path,copyPath));
catch(Exception e){