If we add 5 reqs to throughpput controller and we make loop count of thread to be 5 and throughput of throughput contoller to be 3 then each and every request of throughput controller will be run only 3 time no matter if even loop count is 5 and that too in order.
But if loop count is less then throughput i.e loop count is 2 and throughput is 3 then each and every request will be run only 2 times and that too in order.
Now a twist-If we add per user as well.
if loop count is more then thtorughput-Then if loop count is 10 and throuhput is 3 and no of users is 2 then thread will run 3 times for each of the two users.
Now if loop count is 2 and throughput is 3 --Then accordingly every request has to run only two times only but since number of users is 2 so number of users*loop count is 4 which is more than throughput.So each request will run 3 times but since number of users is more than 1 so order will not be there.
Percent Percent Execution-instead of throughput as number we can use percent execution by selecting percent executions from dropdown instead of total executions.
So if the number of loop counts for thread is 10 and if percent is 20 then loop will run 2 times for one particular user.
Note if percent is too less like let us say loop count is 5 and percent is 10 which is actually .5 i.e less than 1 thenloop will not run even once