Target Controller-Use Recording Controller.(Here we usually choose the recording controller that we me made in the step
below.So when we press the start button in Http Test script recorder all steps will be saved in the controller we choose.
Go to test plan
Add a thread group
Right click this thread group add-->logic controller->recording controller
Keep all other the items in this proxy server defualt.
However Add the following url patterns to exclude like *.gif,.*.js,.*.ico,.*.css or we can do this way .*.js$ i.e everything that ends with js etc or simply click -> Add selected exludes
Make a include list i.e all those things we want to include i.e .*.jsp,.*.php,.*.aspx,.*.pl,.*.html
Then close all the browsers click start script recorder open brwser open website and then click stop.
Then we go to the recorder under the thread group and see all the steps.
Then we add a View Result Tree to this thread group and play all these steps again.
Then we go to View Result tree and under Sampler data response should be ok.
We can then select html or html download resources from dropdown (instead of text) and see the reponse data as well.