1. Go to jmeter website here and go to the downloads section
2. Go to binaries section and download the zip file for windows
tgz is for linux based systems as jmeter is a platform independent tool.
Source contains the source code for jmeter in java.
3. Copy the downloaded zip file and put it somwhere . Like we have created a folder named jmeter in C drive. unzip the copied files.
4. After unzipping it we can go to the bin folder and click the jmeter BAT file.It will launch jmeter into our system.
Printable docs contains the help files.
Lib folder contains executable jar files.jar files are a collection of class.
5. If java is not installed on our system we need to install it as well as jmeter works on java.
So we go to google and search for download jdk or search java and install it.Then to verify if java is installed on our machine we can go to program files and check if there is a folder named java there or not.It will contain folders named jdk and jre.