Stepping Thread Group
This thread group is now depreciated but we can still discuss it.We can add this thread group to our test plan and then fill all the fields like
Total threads or users we want for our sampler request.
Wait for how many secs.
Then start how many threads after that wait period.
Then keep adding how many threads every x secs.
using ramp period-i.e if we want to add 5 threads every 7 seconds and if ramp up period is 0 then 5 threads will be added in 0 sec and then we wait 7 sec and then next 5 threads will be added etc.
if ramp is 20 secs then 5 users will be added in 20 secs then we will wait next 7 secs then next 5 users will be added etc.
Then for how much time we want to hold or keep putting load on the server.