Stepping back and forth in test levels in a Soap project

We can step back and forth in test levels in a project

tCase2  =  testRunner.testCase;//This will represent the test case level in which our test case is 
testSuite = testRunner.testCase.testSuite;//This will represent the testsuite level in the test suite in which our given test case is.
proj  = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project;//This will represent the  project level in  which our given test case is.

After going to project level we started moving downwards i.e from our project go to test suite named TestSuite1 and in that go to the test case named TestCase1 and in that test case go to test step named GroovyScripts 2

scriptLevel  = proj.testSuites["TestSuite 2"].testCases["TestCase 1"].testSteps["Groovy Script2"]