A class can have as many static initialisation blocks as we want
Please note that all static initialisation blocks are executed before the execution of class constructor when ever we make a new object of the class.
So in below example the block 1 and 2 will be executed before the constructors is executed
So static blocks are the first ones to be loaded into JVM when we execute a program
* A very important use of static initialisation block is providing values to static final values like below we provided value to variable hs which is static and final static variable.
* The same way we use constructor to provide values to final non-static variables.
public static final String name;
System.out.println("In the first static block");
name = "hs";
public StaticInitilizationBlock() {
System.out.println("In the class constructor");
System.out.println("In the second static block");
public void printMethod(){
System.out.println("In the print method");