Soap-Ui tool set up

To download the free version of soapUi go to the website and download the free version so to the website We can even use the trial version of pro version ,the difference is in free version we have to do lots of coding while in pro version lots of things are available by default.

So after installing free version of Soap-Ui we can then we open it and make a new project in it.

In project there are various levels like Project level, Testsuite level, test case level , test step level etc.

So when we make a new project it is Project level.

Then in project we make a new Testsuite. In that test suite we make a new testcase.

Then in on test case we write click and add a test step-Groovy test step.

Log variable is analogous to System.out.println in Java language i,e it is used to print something to the console.

There are two types of logs info and error."Welcome to Soap-Ui"); log.error("Errorrrr while executing"); is for any kind of info while log.error is only use to log error.

If we go to bin folder of the location where our Soap-ui is installed we can open the soapui.log file to see all our info and error logs.The only thing to be noted is in free versions all logs keep on appending to our previous file and we don’t have option to make a new file every time our test is run as in pro version.

We can even open the file soap-ui-log4j and here we can change the location where we want to save all our info and error logs.

We can autosave our project in Soap-UI after a fixed interval by clicking preferences and going to UI settings and setting an interval like 5 mins , 10 mins etc.

Please note if we add another test step and put some commands in it and then if we want to run the test at test case level we will not see any logs in console output.We have to go to the bin folder to open that file and see the output.