We can go to this website to check some sample web services and their WSDL but the problem is these web services are really small and only used for small scale testing.
Go to SoapUI tool. Then New project-Soap Project and in WSDL type this WDSL
The name of the project will automatically come up based on the WSDL i.e what is this webservice related to.
Then we can go to This project add a new TestSuite-TestCase and in that testcase add a new Teststep—SoapUIrequest---then over here we will be given an option to choose any Soap ui request we want from all the SOAP requests that are present in the wsdl of the wes service we are using in our project.
We can choose any Soap request.Then we can give some input value and test this particular Soap request.
So a typical Soap protocol web service request looks like this. It has a envelope ,then a header which contains session id for some applications and in the end a body.
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:web="http://www.webserviceX.NET/">