Use of replace,replaceAll,matches, . and ^ are discussed below.
String myString = "Its going to rain today";
String yourString = myString.replace("Its", "Is it");
. is a wild card for any character. so all characters will be replaced by . in below example
String alphanumeric = "abcdefghiiiiiiiiiiik991";
System.out.println(alphanumeric.replaceAll(".", "Y"));
Carrot boundary matcher which we can type using shift + 6. It basically means start looking at the start of the String due to ^. and match the expression exaclty
System.out.println(alphanumeric.replaceAll("^abcdef", "ABC")); //This will replace abcdef in above String with ABC
Please note that ^ replaces only if starting of String is exact match to abcdef.So the second occurence of abcdef will not be replaced in below example
String newAlphanumeric = "abcdefghijiiabcdefiiiiiiiik991";
System.out.println(newAlphanumeric.replaceAll("^abcdef", "ABC"));
Carrot character and matches.The below will return false as for the matches class the entire String has to match not just the beginning of the String
The below will return true as we are matching the entire String