If we want to print only files and not the directory we can do something like below
We make a filter that checks if a path is a regular file i.e it is not a directory.
DirectoryStream.Filter<Path> filter =
new DirectoryStream.Filter<Path>() {
public boolean accept(Path path) throws IOException {
return (Files.isRegularFile(path));
//we can also create the above filter using a lambda expression like below
// DirectoryStream.Filter<Path> filter = p->Files.isRegularFile(p);
We then create a path of the directory in which we want to read all the contents i.e only files and not directories
Path directory = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath("FilesTree\\Dir2");
Then pass the above filter to the method newDirectoryStream and it will print only files and not the directory by passing the filer created above as
second argument
try(DirectoryStream<Path> contents = Files.newDirectoryStream(directory,filter)){
for(Path file:contents){
} catch (IOException | DirectoryIteratorException e) {