Test plan is not a mandatory phase in agile model as in agile the scope of testing is already pre defined in the 2 week sprint and schedule is also defined as well.Agile does not recommend to write any test document except from sprint backlog. So in agile we sometimes we write test cases and sometimes we just execute them without writing them.
The input to test plan doc is the frd or the brd doc.
Planning means what is to be tested and how to do this.It also defines test objectives and specifications. The planning we do also define test completion criteria to when testing is to be finished.
Control is what we do when activities do not match the plans. It is ogoing activity where we compare progress against the plan and reporting deviation against plan.
Test Strategy-Part of Test plan document. It is how of testing. How many testers do we need and how many hours of testing is required. What kind of tools we need.
Test approach-Test approach is the implementation of test strategy. A test approach includes all of the decisions made on how testing should be implemented ,based in project goals and objectives as well as risk assessment.It is starting point for test planning, selecting test design techniques and test types and to be employed .It defines test entry and exit criteria.
Test Scenario Example- Testing is three step process- Analyzing the requirements Then checking what to test which is test scenarios And last step is to write detailed step by step process to test the application I.e writing the test cases.
Can be upload pic ,login etc. So we design different scenarios we have to write many test cases from each test scenarios. A one line definition or pointer of what to test in a particular requirement
Transitional step between FRD(requirements) and test cases Test scenarios have an id ,description ,whether the scenario is positive or negative ,importance (low ,high ,medium ) and test cases (they can be one to many ) related with each test scenario.
Ts_login_01 Validate is a user is able to login successfully when correct username and password is entered Posiitve
Ts_login_02 Validate a message “Incorrect Username and Password is Displayed” incorrect correct username and password is entered Negative
Ts_login_03 Validate a message “Incorrect Username is Displayed” when a new incorrect username is entered Negative
In traditional waterfall model planning and control are very important as based on test scenario we write our test cases. In Agile model test scenarios are pretty much everything. We don’t write test cases line by line .We just go forward to test our application based on test scenario an execute those steps without writing them and if a bug is found we log it in bugzilla or jira etc.
Another step to note about test scenarios is that scenarios should not be based on test data.They should always be based on functional requirements. Example-Let us say on a car inventory site someone asks us to check if we search toyotta corolla 2016 do we get all the features of the car in the display page. But Toyota corolla is test data. There are chances the inventory does even include the car corolla. So a more valid test scenario is to that if we search any car and then click on it does it show each and every detail of the car like make ,model ,kms ,pics.