Logging just the body,paramters or logging based on response code

In the same way we can log paramters or log body from a get or post request . We can even log only if status code is not equal to the value we wanted.

//Log the parameters example
   public void getParameterLogs(){
   RestAssured.baseURI = "http://localhost";
   RestAssured.port = 8080;
   RestAssured.basePath = "/student";
   Response response = given().param("programme","computer science").log().params().get("/list");
//Log the body example


public void getBodyLogs(){
    RestAssured.baseURI = "http://localhost";
    RestAssured.port = 8080;
    RestAssured.basePath = "/student";
        File jsonBody = new File("C:\\workspace\\RestAssuredProject\\students.json");
  public void assertValidations(){
   RestAssured.baseURI = "http://localhost";
   RestAssured.port = 8080;  
   RestAssured.basePath = "/student";
   System.out.println("---------------Asserting that status code is 200 ------------");
  File jsonBody = new File("C:\\workspace\\RestAssuredProject\\students.json");
//then() method is used when we want to put some validation on a req.so below we post a body i.e body(jsonBody) to the server and 
//then we used then() method to put validation after that .so we put statusCode(500) and before body we also put log.ifValidationFails
//That means this test will only log if validation fails i.e only if status code is not 200