Here we will see how to put multiple validations all together using hamcrest library.
Hard Assert:-We can put multiple assertions on the same request. We just need to keep adding .body and we can keep putting multiple assertions. If all assertions pass test will pass ,otherwise it will fail.Please note here we are talking about hard assertions i.e if we put greaterThan(20) in second line the test wil fail there itself. it will never check the below 2 assertions i.e lessThanOrEqualTo and greaterThanOrEqualTo
given().contentType(ContentType.JSON).get().then().body("id", equalTo(10))
.body("id", lessThan(11))
.body("id", greaterThan(9))
.body("id", lessThanOrEqualTo(12))
.body("id", greaterThanOrEqualTo(10));
Soft Assert:-Below is an example of soft assert. Here we put all validations in the same body rather than adding new .body for different assertions as we did above. This test will check for all assertions as it is a soft assertion. So if greaterThan(12) fails the test will not stop there. it will check the remaining assertions as well and if multiple assertions fail it will print all of them
.body("id", equalTo(10),"id", lessThan(11),
"id", greaterThan(9),"id",