Intsum function is used to find the sum of two or more integer values.
Add a new Thread Group and add a Java request.In its name add
or we can add two java reqs and in one req type the
and in next java req use that string i.e type in its name
Or we can make two variables in test plan ,give then names like x and y and values like 5,10.
Then in java req we can give the function
Then let us add a if controller to the thread group after our java reqs and in this if controller and in its condition type
and then add a java req andname it java req {$__intSum(${x},${y})}
i.e run this java req and type the result of initSum func in its name only if the result of initSum is more than 20.
We can even add a http req and in Server name type in path type
i.e go to the page