Right click thread group and go to sampler add the ftp request.
Server name :-we can then give it a name and give a server name like ftp.sejsoft.com
Remote file -The file which we want to retrieve from the server so we have to give its address on the server
Local file-Place where we want to download the file C:/downloads/ftpget.html(here we gave the name to the file to be downloaded as ftpget.html)
Option get -Then we choose the option get(retrive) and not put(storing) because we want to download the file from the server and put it in our local system.
Then we can click save File in response data if we want to see the html file in the response data tab of results tree as well.
Then we run the test and go to results tree and if there is a green tick in front of the ftp icon that means the test has passed.Then we can go to the given folder and see if ftpget file is there.Then we can add as many http or ftp requests as we want.