For each controller

Let us add new Thread Group.Then add a http request.In server name add the name

Then add a post processor named Regualr Expression Extractor under http request i.e as the child of http request.

Post Processor is run once the http request is executed.That is we already reached the website or the server name

After going to we want to click the main tabs like schedule,Teams etc.

If we go to view source of we will see that the html of all these tabs is something like

 <li class="parent item15"><a href="/schedules">

So for each of these tabs the below html will remain the same and rest will change

<li class="parent item"><a href="">  

i.e href will chaange class after parent item will change

So in Regualr Expression Extractor under reference name we give a name tabs. Under Regualar Expression we add

<li class="parent item([^"]+)"><a href="([^"]+)">

which means after item anything can come after parent item and for href anthing can come after href

Same goes for teams and other tabs etc.

Then in templates put $2$

In match no put -1

In default value put notfound. i.e if no value is found for tabs put notfound.

After putting these values in post processor,let us make a foreach controller after the http request.This controller will be used to loop through each and every value.

In this for loop controller in Input variable prefix put tabs and in output variable name put ouput.Click "Add _ before number".

Make a new http request a child of this for loop controller.

Then in that http request put server name as and in path put ${output}.

Then add a adebug sampler to this thread as well.

Run the test then go to result tree and then see request for each http request and also see the debug sampler resutls as well.