We have to make some settings for firefox to make it work with jmeter.
Go to firefox options->General
Open network settings
Choose manual proxy configuration and give the port number as the same port we gave in the htts test script recorder above i.e 8888
Then we select the check box "Use this proxy for all the protocols."
Delete everything in the tab "No proxy field"
And in Http Proxy we add
Then we save these settings in firefox.
Please note after saving the settings we can open any site in firefox.We can only open a site once we click on play in Https reocrder in jmeter.
But once we click on play for the first time it will ask us to install a certificate for https on our browser etc. For that we go to firefox ->options->general
In search box type certificates then click view certificates and then click authorties tab Click import then go to jmeter folder in C drive then go to bin folder and choose CA file
And then tick all check boxes and save and then our certificate will show along with other certificates in firefox.
Then once all this is done we go to https test script recorder and click play and a popup will open Keep it aside don’t do anything with it and then open firefox browser and choose site blazedemo.com
choose to and from city and choose any flight like United airlines etc.
Then go to popup and click stop.
Then we will have various steps generated under test script recorder.
We only need three steps
Going to blazedemo.com
Choosing to and from cities
And choosing airlines.
Delete al other unnecessary steps like .js .css files etc..php files are important.Look carefully they might contain our above mentioned steps.