- Test case name/ID-Naming convention matters.examples test cases id start with TS_
- Requirement Id-Ids according to user requirements like logging ,photo uploading ,finding friends etc.
- Description-Verifying login functionality with valid users. Should be one line description for each test case
- Precondition-Valid user with account needed/website needs to be open to go to shopping page. Preconditions reduce the no of test execution steps.
- Input test data-Enter user name, password I,e the input data we are using. Can create our own data or can get data from client.
- Test Execution Steps-All steps to carry out execution of the steps.
Example of test execution steps
Step1-Open firefox browser
Step2-Type fb.com in address bar
Step3-Enter user1 in username field
Step4-Enter asdf!@ in password field
Step5-Press login
- Expected results
- Actual results