Defect template can again vary from one defect management tool to another but generally will contain many of the below things
Description-Password reset happening even after clicking on Cancel.
Steps to Reproduce- All steps from login into fb page and clicking on change password, then entering username, old password, new password and then clicking cancel instead of clicking save
TestData-Username, password
Ex[ected Result-Password should not change
Actual Result-Password Changed
Screenshot-Add jpg screenshot.
Timestamp-Add what time defect occurred. Developer can go through logs and try to see what went wrong and at that point of time.
Assigned to –To who is the defect assigned. Test Manager/Developer.
Severity-How much is the defect in application affecting the users? Is it a major or minor defect? As password is a major thing in an application and change is password even after clicking save is deviating from user experience so we say severity in this defect is high.
Priority-Which defect has high priority. Like there are two defects. One is user can’t login into application, other is user can’t tag people in their pics then first case is a high priority bug.
Severity and Priority to be given to a bug is decided by a common consense of entire testing team
In Test Plan document.