Open a command prompt window 1.type mvn --version If the above command gives the version then that means mvn is successfully integrated into our system
2.Then use the cd command to go to the location where we want to save our Maven project
3.Once we are in that location type mvn archetype:generate
4.then choose any no--just press enter to choose the by default no(VVVIMP jusr press Enter here and pres enter again on next line to choose default no).
5.for group id give the name we want to give to our package like com.seleniumexample.maven
6.For archetype id given any name like MyMavenProject(Basically it will be the name of the folder that will be created)
7.Then press enter enter for version snapshot etc and for ques where it is asking Y or N.
8.Now the MyMavenProject folder created will contain a src folder and a pom.xml file
9.Then we go to this folder that is MyMavenProject and then type mvn eclipse:eclipse to make our project compatible with Eclipse
After typing this command and wait till build succeeds if we go to the folder MyMavenProject we will see that two new files generated one is .classpath and other is .project