Make a new Thread Group and lets add 5 http request to it. let make them hit the server name
Add a Aggregate Report listener to this thread group In write results to file put the file name like C:\jmeterscripts\Testresults.jtl
Then we can run run the tests and check our jtl file for results.
We have a few options to play around with this file.
We can then delete this jtl file We can click configure in Aggregate Report , then we can name our file as .csv and uncheck save as xml and click save field names(csv) and run again. ,and see the results in that location again.
We can save file as .log or .txt and run again.
However csv is a good option.It is excel format.
Please also note that from jmeter version 2.3.2 and further if we run the script again and again all results are appended to the previous files and previous files are not cleared off when new data is to be written.
If we wan to do thatwe have to manually delete the files or put them somewhere else.
Now let us try to understand the Aggregate report we got after running the http requests.
Throughput--number of requests/time*(entire execution time+timers).So if we have timer in our test plan even if number of reqs is same throughput will increase.
Median is the time required by more than 50 percents of the http requests to run.i.e if http req 1 has has median of 150 that means if there were 7 users or iterations then if we sort the time to execute in increasing order then 4th user or iteration took 150 milliseconds to execute.
Average is the average time required by samples to execute.So if there are 7 users or iterations average is total time reqs by all 7 users or iterations/7.
Percentile 90%--If there are 10 iterations or users then put the execution time in increasing order as we do in case of median. Then 90% of 10 is 9 and 10% is 1.So remove the top 1 iteration and 90 percentile is the second largest value in the increasing order.
So if we have 1000 iterations then 80 percentile will be -80 percentile of 1000 is 800 and 20 percentage is 200.So remove top 200 iterations from the list and 80 percentile is 800th iteration.